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In an Alternate Universe, humans are one of six genetically manufactured beings which call the known blob home. Amongst humans live the Risonoids, a grouping of three human-like species (Soli, Terren, and Rison) which proceeded Humanoids (Humans, Laerets, and Matiran). Once the known blobs builders and protectors, the Risonoids are now nearly extinct due to a genetic poisoning that their creators inflicted upon them.

Ela Alanas of Altas-Minas is a land-born, rust-water mutant solene from the neglected outer system of Helio-Altas. When a tragedy results in her exile, she enlists in the Soli fleet- Looking for a second chance in life, she pushes herself to climb the ranks, in the vain hope to surmount a tyranny which she believes is consuming them all. But when she pushes herself too far, and her enemies begin to overpower her, Ela must decide between the revenge that has made her, and the prophecy which calls to her.

Zak Ilceaus-Zacel of is an out-of-bond, station born sel from the wealthy inner system station of Breva. When a shocking revelation results in his forced military recruitment, his life is stolen, and his identity unraveled. Confused and purposeless, Zak must find the path to save himself from placement upon Exile's front-line, and reclaim his future, all while coming to terms with what lies below the skin…

When these two beings from separate worlds find themselves intertwined by an impossible recovery, they must find a way to place their different values aside, and work together to survive the monstrosities which lurk beyond the veil of their soldered stories.


Table of Contents.pdf 213 kB
Part 1 Chapter 1 Section 1 7 MB
Appendix 5: Culture 127 kB
Map Of The Known Blob 4.1 MB
Appendix 1: Descriptors
Appendix 2: History 112 kB
Appendix 3: Characters 20 MB
Appendix 4: Stations 726 kB

Install instructions

Editing done by NAYTIN. Check her out on Tumblr! I can't thank her enough for her love and support ♥

SO-- Regular free weekly postings will start the second week of June (Monday June 13th). They'll occur as devlogs. For more schedule details, check out my upload calendar: https://www.onlyonewaytoburnitdown.com/release-schedule

In the meantime: if you want to read more about the setting of Only One Way to Burn it Down, check out the appendices here: https://www.onlyonewaytoburnitdown.com/appendices